There are times in life when we need a mental picker-upper, a happy read, a good book, a feel-good book.
The Book That was the Catalyst for this Post
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
This was the good book, scratch that, the feel-good book I didn’t even know I needed. The story is actually four tales, all told from within the cafe and each tale has a tiny thread to one of the other stories. All the stories take place in a cafe that lets people travel through time. However, there are rules. And they must be followed.
The book is a quick, easy read that is perfect for touching the soul. Even though the stories touch on death, Alzheimer’s, and other tough subjects, they do so with a feel-good remembrance. A way to make us remember the best in others, a reminder to step back and learn from a situation and then grow from it.
There are more books in this series, so I have more heart-warming tales to look forward to.
Some other heart-warming reads I recommend:
Any Chicken Soup for the Soul Book that targets a particular area in your life. They have them for parents, writers, teenagers, dogs, cats, holidays, you name, they have a book full of stories.
A little side note: I have a few stories in two of their books: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions and Chicken Soup for the Soul Kindness Matters.
Feel-Good Books for a Younger Audience

I should add that these books are great reads for adults.
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is a fun read. It takes life literally. The watchdog is a dog with a watch in his side and he reminds little Milo about time. It’s a trip through expectations, reality, Illusions, the doldrums, the foothills of confusion, and so many more fun little adventures. All teaching our little Milo life lessons along the way.
A few other fun little reads: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery – a little adventure and life lesson wrapped up in cuteness. And Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein – I think we all need a little fun with words and sillyness, and this book fits that need perfectly.
The Book that Creators Need
If you’re stuck in your art, whether it’s painting, clay, writing, or music, this book hits that happy encouragement, get you back on track, feel-good necessity.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
This is the good book version of a good friend grabbing your hand and walking you through the rough spots of your creativity journey. It’s refreshing, it’s funny, it’s sweet, and you feel refreshed and ready to try again the moment you put the book down.